Yes. All insurance companies in the United Kingdom are required to belong to and fund an organisation known as the Motor Insurers’ Bureau by virtue of the Road Traffic Act 1988.  This body was founded for the purpose of providing compensation for victims of negligent uninsured and untraceable motorists.

What Happens If I Cannot Find The Driver?

If we are unable to trace the driver responsible for your accident, we will process your claim through the Motor Insurers’ Bureau.

Claiming through the Motor Insurers’ Bureau can be complex and time-consuming, however, we have the experience and expertise to ensure that your claim will be processed as fast as possible.

I Do Not Agree With The Amount of Compensation The Motor Insurers’ Bureau Has Awarded

If you wish to dispute the amount of money offered to you by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau then we can pursue your claim in a court of law. If we are successful, then the Motor Insurers’ Bureau will pay out the amount awarded by the court.