A Freedom of Information request has revealed that fire-fighters working for Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service have received a total of £67,728 in compensation for work-related injuries sustained between 2008 and 2013. According to an article in the Lancashire Evening Post, this amount was spread over 10 claims, with the highest sum of £29,756 being paid out in 2009 to a fireman who badly injured his back in a fall.

Other payouts included £12,547 and £5,131 for head injuries, £2,350 for a shoulder injury and £7,585 for back and shoulder damage. However, some of the compensation amounts were much smaller, such as a payment of £198 for mouth injuries and tooth damage after a fire-fighter was struck in the face by an object.

Commenting on the compensation awards, a spokesperson for leading personal injury law firm, Injury Lawyers 4u, said: ’£67,728 worth of claims might sound like a lot, but in reality, only relates to 10 payouts over five years. Lancashire Fire and Rescue received a total of 17 personal injury claims for work-related incidents over this period – two of which are still awaiting settlement – which is actually a very good statistic for an organisation this size.’

‘It’s clear from the Fire Service’s statement in the Lancashire Evening Post that this organisation takes a very responsible attitude towards ensuring the health and safety of its workforce. And when things do go wrong, they take steps to prevent similar incidents occurring in the future, and make financial recompense to injured staff where appropriate.’

Sadly, not everyone is lucky enough to work for an organisation that takes its health and safety obligations as seriously as Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service. Every year, hundreds of employees suffer injuries or contract illnesses in the workplace that could have been prevented if their employer had followed proper procedures, or provided the necessary protective equipment.

Have you been injured in an accident at work that was caused by your employer’s negligence or omission? If so, Injury Lawyers 4u can help you claim the compensation to which you’re entitled. A national network of experienced and specialist personal injury solicitors, they’ve pursued hundreds of successful claims for all kinds of workplace injuries.

Call Injury Lawyers 4u today on 0333 400 4445 for honest, professional advice about your accident claim. Lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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