Adverts for personal injury solicitors and accident claims management firms are everywhere these days – from TV and radio to newspapers, magazines and website banners. But not all these services are the same. It’s important to make the right choice if you’re to get the best advice and all the compensation to which you’re entitled.

This article from leading accident lawyers Injury Lawyers 4u offers some helpful tips on choosing the right provider.

Look for a specialist personal injury service

You may already have a lawyer, perhaps a local firm that’s handled your will or provided a conveyancing service to you in the past. And whilst you may feel loyalty towards them, it’s often better to appoint a firm that specialises in personal injury law to handle your claim. That way, your case has the best possible chance of success.

Check out the firm’s credentials

All companies and law firms offering claims management services must be regulated by the Ministry of Justice or SRA respectively, so checking their registration is an obvious starting point. But it’s a good idea to look beyond this and find out what other reassurance they can offer that your case will be handled correctly and ethically.

For example, all member firms of Injury Lawyers 4u are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority. There are no ‘middle men’ looking to profit from your injury, just experienced solicitors dedicated to getting you the compensation you deserve.

Make sure there’s no obligation to proceed

It should never cost you anything to get a solicitor’s opinion on whether or not you have a valid accident claim. At Injury Lawyers 4u, you’ll always receive impartial, confidential advice, after which you’re free to choose another solicitor if you wish.

Contact Injury Lawyers 4u today

We make it easy to find out if you can claim compensation for your accident. Just fill in the short form and a lawyer will call you back. Or, call us at any time of the day or night on 0333 400 4445.

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