Personal Injury

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – Suffering in Silence

Although Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) did not become an official diagnosis until 1980, its symptoms and sufferings have been […]

Personal Injury

Dispelling the Myths around Concussion

The most common type of injury sustained after a blow to the head is concussion.  Concussion can range from being […]

Personal Injury

Keeping Your Child Safe at School

In April 2014, both the Manchester Evening News and The Yorkshire Post reported that schools in the Greater Manchester area […]

Personal Injury

Tips for Staying Safe Abroad

Most vacations are incident free and holiday makers return home with nothing more concerning than a little sunburn and those […]

Personal Injury

UK’s most dangerous sporting activities

Brits are a nation of sports lovers.  Whether it is watching a game of football on the TV or participating […]

Personal Injury

Five Ways You Can Assist Your Recovery from a Back Injury

Your back is a large, complex and extremely important part of your body.  It copes with a great deal of […]

Personal Injury

Stay safe on holiday this summer

Everyone looks forward to a summer break, but every year many British tourists suffer injuries or illnesses abroad that could […]

Personal Injury

Personal Injury Claims Explained

A personal injury claim is a claim for compensation where you’ve sustained an injury in an accident that wasn’t your […]

Personal Injury

Criminal Injury Claims – What You Need To Know

Criminal injuries are injuries that are sustained as a direct result of a crime. Examples include injuries resulting from mugging, […]