Road Traffic Accidents

Guide To Personal Injury Claims From Car Accidents

A car accident can change your life and can often lead to physical injuries, emotional trauma and financial woes. If […]

Road Traffic Accidents

Whiplash – It’s time to take it seriously

Let’s be clear from the outset, whiplash is a serious injury and can result in long-term damage and lessen the […]

Road Traffic Accidents

The rear-end shunt – Is the Following Driver Always To Blame?

When it comes to rear-end motor vehicle collisions, there is a strong assumption that the rear vehicle is 100% at […]

Road Traffic Accidents

Rearward Facing Car Seats – Time for a Re-Think?

In 2009 the British Medical Journal published an article on the significant safety benefits of keeping children in rearward-facing seating […]

Road Traffic Accidents

The Great British Pothole Problem

What do you get if you mix together a recession and a few years’ of cold, wet winters? The answer […]

Road Traffic Accidents

On Your Bike – Keeping Safe on the Roads

When it comes to health and general well-being few activities can match cycling.  You have all the benefits of being […]

Road Traffic Accidents

Claiming for a road traffic accident fatality

Sadly, the number of deaths on UK roads is rising despite advances in vehicle safety design and technology. 1,901 people […]

Road Traffic Accidents

Revealed – The Dangers Of Commuting To Work

A survey by insurance company LV has revealed the dangers faced by British commuters whilst travelling to and from work. […]

Road Traffic Accidents

On yer bike? Yer at risk of injury

Cycling is a hugely popular form of transport, with millions of Britons saddling up each day to commute, get fit, […]