Darren suffered life-changing injuries after a dog ran into his path while he was riding his motorbike. He swerved but couldn’t avoid the crash.
Airlifted to hospital, Darren spent weeks in high-dependency care before starting a long rehabilitation journey. Unable to return to work, he sought legal support with the help of his family. However, after only a few months, his solicitors dropped the case, citing a lack of evidence.
Determined not to give up, Darren made one final attempt and turned to Injury Lawyers 4u.
This is his story…
The Accident
Before the accident, Darren, a 46-year-old father from Swansea, led an active life.
“Me and my son used to play football, and I used to take football training and manage the team.” He also enjoyed golf, long walks and most of all riding his motorbike with friends.
“There would be a gang of us going out on a Sunday. We’d all meet up, go for a coffee, and ride down to the Mumbles (south Wales),” he recalled. “My wife didn’t like it.” But for Darren, the camaraderie and social aspect made it special. He had just bought a new bike and was looking forward to many more years of doing what he loved.
On the day of the accident, he was riding with a friend along a familiar route when, without warning, a dog leapt over a garden fence and ran into the road. With no time to react, Darren crashed and skidded across the tarmac.
Everything that followed remains a total “blur”. Unbeknown to him, he had suffered life changing injuries and was being airlifted to hospital.
The Impact
Darren spent two weeks in a high-dependency unit. When he regained consciousness, he was confused and didn’t recognise his wife. His injuries were extensive, including skull and facial fractures and bleeding on the brain.
His long road to recovery involved 18 months of rehabilitation, during which he had to relearn how to walk and speak.
Darren has no memory of the accident and continues to struggle with memory loss and processing information. He experiences dizziness and headaches and is now deaf in one ear, which affects his balance and mobility.
In the immediate aftermath, his wife had to take time off work to care for him and continues to support him with his care needs. Darren said, “I won’t make any more of a recovery than what I have now. My doctor has said I won’t be able to go back to work.”
With his future employment prospects gone and his life permanently altered due to no fault of his own, he decided to pursue a personal injury claim.
Injury Lawyers 4u Were My Last Hope
Darren and his wife initially approached another solicitor for help. After providing all the necessary information and reliving the trauma, he was informed, via letter, months later that the firm would not proceed with his case due to a lack of evidence.
Feeling lost and discouraged by his solicitor’s stance that there is nothing they could do, Darren’s wife decided to seek alternative legal representation. “She did a Google search and had seen the adverts on TV,” Darren explained.
Through Injury Lawyers 4u, Darren was introduced to a new solicitor, and his case was reignited.
“I passed all my information (from my previous solicitor) and they took it all away. They were absolutely brilliant.
“They contacted me saying, right, we’re going to do this, we need a little bit more information off you and explained it to me and my wife.
“My wife did most of the talking because I would burst out into tears. It’s hard reliving it all, and talking about it sets me off as well.”
Experienced in complex cases, Darren’s new legal team conducted a thorough investigation, gathering crucial medical evidence to highlight the severity of his injuries, the long-term implications of the accident on his capacity to work and future care needs. Witnesses were revisited and encouraged to come forward, with the importance of their testimony explained in relation to Darren’s future. Specialist reports, including expert analysis from a dog behaviour professional, further strengthened the case.
Through the persistence and expertise of his solicitor Leanne and her team, despite his previous solicitor dropping the case due to a lack of evidence, a six-figure settlement was secured.
Looking to the Future
Now that his case has concluded and his financial stability secured, Darren’s focus is on his future and putting the accident behind him. He remains committed to his rehabilitation and hopes to use some of the compensation to adapt and decorate the family home, making it more comfortable for him and his family.
“It’s a lot of weight taken off my shoulders,” he said his is goal now is simple: “Just enjoy my life the best I can, I think that’s the best thing to do.
“I would 100% recommend Injury lawyers 4u.
“I would like to say a big thank you to the whole team, they have been absolutely brilliant.”
Want to Switch Solicitors?
If you have been in an accident, like Darren, and feel your case isn’t going anywhere or if they have decided not to pursue your case – get in touch.