People often talk about car accidents because there are always more cars on the roads than motorcycles. However, attention should not be taken away from motorcycle accidents because like car accidents, they are very common and often more fatal to motorcyclists.

In fact, the UK roads see approximately 600 motorcyclists killed and roughly 7,000 seriously injured year after year.

Whilst cars have airbags to protect drivers and passengers from going through the windscreen and hitting themselves against dashboards, motorcycles don’t. Cars also have seat belts to prevent drivers and passengers becoming unseated, which prevents injuries but motorcycles lack this equipment as well.

The fact motorcycles don’t have seatbelts and airbags is quite obvious, but often people forget that not only are cars blessed with these two safety components, they also are built of metal which is a strong protective material that shelters occupants inside the vehicle.

So, despite car accidents being more common, motorcycle accidents can be much more dangerous. The most frequent injuries include:

Ligament injuries

The knee is the most common area a ligament injury will occur from a motorcycle injury. This is because often the impact from a motorcycle accident is twisted and the constant high level of tension can cause ligaments to stretch, which can lead to long-term if not permanent joint instability.


A large percentage of fractural injuries occur to the fibula and tibia, which are classed as lower limb injuries. These are common with motorcycle accidents with the worst case leading to permanent disability. Other serious outcomes from fractures can be internal damage to vital organs and amputation.

Motorcyclists that suffer less severe fractures can fully recover in a short space of time, although medical care is required.

Brain Injury

Unfortunately, the most frequent injury from motorcycle accidents happen to the brain. Despite the majority of motorcyclists always wearing a protective helmet, the force of impact that occurs to the head from a motorcycle collision is so severe the brain is put under massive pressure causing it to move.

When the brain moves in a situation, such as a motorcycle injury, the brain tissue and blood vessels are stretched and then squeezed, potentially causing life threatening injuries to the brain. Head injuries are responsible for most deaths related to motorcycle injuries.


When you think of all motorist accidents, most passengers and drivers will experience whiplash. This is because most motorist accidents cause the head and neck to violently jolt back and forth. The neck is the affected area as the ligaments and muscle at the neck become sprained from the force of movement.

Whiplash is often recovered in a short time, sometimes as quickly as a week; however more serious cases leave motorists suffering for the rest of their life.

Psychological injuries

Physical injuries typically are the most common with motorist accidents. However, most, if not all passengers and drivers involved experience some psychological trauma immediately after an accident.

Flashbacks of the accident can affect drivers and passengers causing many to fear getting back in a car or onto a motorbike.

If you were injured from a motorcycle accident, contact Injury Lawyers 4u for advice and to discuss compensation you may be due for your injury, whether it is physical or psychological.

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