Workplace Accidents

Claiming compensation for occupational cancers

At the start of our working lives, we all choose occupations and careers for different reasons: to become independent, to […]

Workplace Accidents

The Most Common Injuries in the Construction Industry

You have to be tough to work in the construction industry.  5% of the population makes their living on building […]

Workplace Accidents

Three Ways to Reduce Stress at Work

It is a well known fact that, although our lives are easier than in the past (we no longer have […]

Workplace Accidents

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Ambulance Workers

In April 2003, findings published in the British Medical Journal showed that emergency service workers are at high risk of […]

Workplace Accidents

Ten Entertainers Who Have Died in the Workplace

Do You Think Your Job Is Dangerous? We all know that some jobs pose more risk than others.  Construction, farming […]

Workplace Accidents

The State of Britain’s Construction Sites

A bit of history In January 2011 a 31 year old Romanian man, Silviu Radulescu, suffered fatal head injuries after […]

Workplace Accidents

Living with Industrial Deafness

The ability to hear sounds and share them with others is something most of us take for granted. However, in […]

Workplace Accidents

The Most Dangerous Jobs in the UK

Most of us take for granted that when we leave for work in the morning we will return safely that […]

Workplace Accidents

Changes in Asbestos-Related Cancer Compensation

From April, families of the victims of Mesothelioma who are unable to trace a liable employer will be able to […]