We spend an awful lot of our lives in our place of work. Even those with part-time jobs can feel like they spend too much of their time at work. Working is a fact of life and necessary if we want to keep a roof over our heads. People do all manner of different jobs in order to stay afloat but the most important this is that you should always feel safe no matter where you are employed.

Whether you are a builder working on a busy construction site, or an accountant working in a quiet office, your safety and security should be the top priority for your employer. Of course, different jobs have different levels of risk but there should always be adequate safety measures in place to ensure workers are not in danger.

Employers have a duty of care to their staff and must take steps to ensure all employees are as safe as possible. But accidents can still happen and if you sustain an injury at work you should consider making an accident at work claim.

So, what can you to do try and avoid sustaining an injury in the workplace?

Be aware of your surroundings

The average person will spend a whopping 128 months at work during their lives, so the occasional accident in the workplace is always a possibility. While not every possibility can be accounted for, you can take steps to reduce the risk of injury while at work. Some of the most common causes of work injuries are slips and trips; the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that 40% of workplace accidents in 2010 and 2011 in the UK were caused as a result of slipping or tripping.

More often than not, only a minor injury will be sustained but it still helps to be cautious. It can sometimes feel that we’re too busy at work to worry about such things but simply being aware of your surroundings will greatly reduce your chances of injury. So always look where you are going and if you notice a potential hazard be sure to alert someone so that no one else is put in danger.

Don’t put yourself at risk

Of course, some jobs are more dangerous than others. But accidents and injuries can occur at any time, to anyone. Your employer should have the appropriate safety precautions in place but these can be rendered useless if you put yourself at adverse risk.

According to the HSE, 16% of all UK injuries in the workplace in 2010 and 2011 were caused by falling from heights. While this is not a danger for every occupation, it highlights that putting yourself in more danger than necessary will greatly increase your chance of injury. So before you carry out a potentially dangerous task, think about whether it is entirely necessary to do so and what you can do to reduce this danger.

If you have been a victim of a workplace injury you can contact Injury Lawyers 4u for confidential, no obligation advice by calling 0333 400 4445 or filling in this short form 

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