Workplace Accidents

Managing Work-Related Stress

The average person spends a third of their life at work.  Therefore, it is important that a work-place provides a […]

Workplace Accidents

Put your back into it at work? You could regret it!

Figures from the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) show that 500,000 work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) were reported in 2010/2011. Commonly […]

Workplace Accidents

PTSD: It’s Not Just Soldiers That Suffer

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is usually associated with the military, which isn’t surprising given the highly stressful conditions and […]

Workplace Accidents

Common Office Injuries and How to Avoid Them

We seem to spend almost every waking hour at work, slogging away in order to pay bills, keep a roof […]

Workplace Accidents

What to do if you’re injured at work

For the vast majority of us, our job takes up a large chunk of our life. If you have a […]

Workplace Accidents

How to Avoid Injury in the Workplace

We spend an awful lot of our lives in our place of work. Even those with part-time jobs can feel […]

Workplace Accidents

The Ever Present Dangers In The workplace

Those that work in a variety of high risk industries are more at risk than others when it comes to […]

Workplace Accidents

Revealed: The 5 Most Common Accidents In The Workplace

Accidents happen from time to time, and whilst some are completely unlucky others could have been prevented. Individuals working in […]