
Mesothelioma Bill causes controversy

The government’s Mesothelioma Bill is currently (as of mid June) being discussed in Parliament. However, concerns have been raised that […]


Boy wins compensation and fight to clear name

A London student has won a two year battle with the Metropolitan Police to remove inaccurate information about him on […]


Lancashire fire-fighters receive £67,000 in compensation

A Freedom of Information request has revealed that fire-fighters working for Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service have received a total […]


Butchery Firm Fined After Knife Accident

A London-based butchery firm has been fined £2,750 after a worker suffered a serious arm injury due to not wearing […]


Dog Bite Hospital Admissions On The Rise

Dog attacks have featured prominently in the news recently, with incidents such as the killing of 14 year old Jade […]


Investigation Reveals 762 Medical Blunders In Four Years

An investigation by the BBC has found that 762 ‘never events’ occurred in English hospitals between 2009 and 2012. A […]


BBC Watchdog Reports On ‘Exploding’ Washing Machines

An episode of the BBC TV programme Watchdog, aired on 8 May, has highlighted problems with certain washing machine models […]


£50,000 Paid To Policeman Rapist’s Victims

Victims of rapist Stephen Mitchell, a police officer who preyed on vulnerable women in the north east of England, have […]


Dale Farm Protestor Wins Claim Against Police

A woman who was arrested whilst protesting against the Dale Farm traveller evictions in October 2011 has won undisclosed damaged […]