Personal Injury Claims Explained

A personal injury claim is a claim for compensation where you’ve sustained an injury in an accident that wasn’t your fault. This article from personal injury experts Injury Lawyers 4U takes a closer look, explains why claiming is a good idea and why you should always appoint a specialist solicitor to handle your case.

What counts as a personal injury claim?

There are lots of different types of claim. Some of the commonest types include:

– Slips and trips
– Accidents at work
– Road traffic accidents
– Medical negligence
– Criminal injuries
– Defective products
– Animal attacks
– Sexual and physical abuse
– Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
– Accidents abroad

The basic principle is that if you were injured in an accident that was someone else’s fault or was caused by their error, negligence or omission, then you can claim compensation.

Who can I claim against?

Claims can be made against individuals, businesses and organisations. If your injury is work-related, you’d normally claim against your employer. Most types of personal injury claim are covered under individual and company insurance policies, so you don’t need to worry about causing anyone financial hardship by claiming.

Why should I claim?

The obvious reason is to compensate you for the physical pain that your injury has caused, as well as any mental trauma. But there are other reasons, too. These include:

– Giving you financial peace of mind whilst you focus on your recovery.
– Compensating you for lost earnings or other expenses incurred because of the accident, such as replacing damaged possessions.
– Paying for treatment, therapy or care that isn’t always offered by the NHS. For example, psychological counselling or osteopathy.
– Buying equipment that you need to regain a good quality of life, such as a specially-adapted car if you’ve been permanently disabled after an accident.
– Raising awareness of problems or malpractices to help prevent other people suffering in the future.

Why use a specialist legal service?

Making a personal injury claim can be complicated, daunting and time-consuming. So don’t go it alone. Let a specialist firm like Injury Lawyers 4U take care of it for you.

We’ll handle the personal injury claims process from start to finish, giving you advice and support at every stage. Our aim is to help you receive all the compensation you deserve, whilst helping you get back on your feet.

Call us today on 0845 345 4444 to discuss your claim. We work on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis so there’s nothing to lose.

Sexual Abuse Scandals Reveal The Sad Truth

For many months now, it’s been impossible to open a newspaper or watch the TV news without a sexual abuse story cropping up. From celebrity scandals involving actors and TV stars, to catalogues of abuse by pillars of the community like priests, teachers and care workers, the issue has never been more firmly in the public eye. Even government ministers have been dragged in, with the latest scandal focusing on allegations of sexual harassment within the Liberal Democrat party.

It’s a sad indictment of today’s nation that sexual abuse accusations for both past and present offences are rife across all sectors of society. Where offenders are still alive, the perpetrators (where guilty) can be brought to justice. But where does that leave the victims of sexual abuse, all too often left to cope alone with the after-effects of horrific experiences? Long-term problems such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and other psychological issues are common – and some victims never fully recover.

Injury Lawyers 4U is here to help victims of sexual abuse get the compensation they deserve and need to move on with their lives. Our experienced solicitors specialise in personal injury law. We’ll give you the expert advice you need to decide if you can claim, and then help you get the compensation to which you’re entitled.

Of course, no amount of money can make up for the abuse itself. But by claiming compensation, you’ll gain financial peace of mind and the means to access the support you need to recover – whether that’s counselling, medical treatment, a career break, or a long holiday overseas. On top of that, bringing your experiences to light could prevent other people falling victim to your abuser in the future.


Don’t put it off – call Injury Lawyers 4U today


You can make a claim for sexual abuse that was either verbal or physical (or both), whether it happened at home, at school, at work or in a public place. It doesn’t matter if the abuse happened to you as a child or an adult – you can still claim. However, some types of sexual and physical abuse claims are subject to time limits, so it’s important to make a claim as soon as possible.

Call Injury Lawyers 4U in confidence today on 0845 345 4444, or fill in the contact form on our website. As we work on a genuine ‘no win, no fee’ basis, there’s nothing to lose by contacting us.

Food poisoning – could you make a claim?

Christmas is traditionally a time for enjoying food and drink whilst celebrating with friends and family. But, what should have been a happy occasion at the Railway Hotel in Hornchurch, Essex, turned sour when 30 diners fell ill after their Christmas Day meal last December. Tragically, one lady has since passed away. And tests carried out by the Health Protection Agency have revealed that food poisoning bacteria may have been the cause.

Food poisoning is a very common illness, with Hospital Episodes Statistics reporting around 5.5 million cases a year. Most instances occur in the home and are caused by eating produce that’s undercooked, has been stored incorrectly or has simply gone off. But sometimes, restaurants, hotels, pubs, takeaways, supermarkets and other food outlets are at fault. If this is the case, consumers are entitled to claim compensation.

Why claim compensation for food poisoning?

Some people hesitate to make food poisoning claims, because the damage was ‘accidental’ and wasn’t done on purpose. But, if you’ve paid good money for a meal that has made you unwell – even for just a few days – then you deserve some recompense for that unpleasant experience. And if you’ve had to take time off work or away from your business, or pay for medical treatment, you should be compensated for that, too.

How do I make a claim?

First, you’ll need to produce medical evidence that you’ve suffered from food poisoning. This might be a note from your GP, or hospital records if you were admitted to hospital. Also, you’ll have to prove that you contracted food poisoning as a result of eating or buying food at the company in question. This might involve an official investigation into the company’s hygiene standards and/or its food preparation and cooking practices, as well as finding out whether other people have suffered the same ill effects.

Sound a bit daunting? Let Injury Lawyers 4U help

Injury Lawyers 4U are a national network of personal injury specialists. We’re here to help with all kinds of accident and injury claims. Your food poisoning claim will be dealt with by an expert personal injury solicitor, giving you the best possible chance of success.

Call for honest, professional advice on 0845 345 4444. We’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Or complete our simple online form.