Accident Injuries

Protecting Your Child from Defective Products

One aspect of impending parenthood people look forward to the most is shopping for nursery furniture, buggies and baby clothes. […]

Accident Injuries

Protecting Yourself Against a Dog Attack

Dogs are not called a man’s best friend for no reason. Domesticated since at least 7,000 BC, these animals are […]

Accident Injuries

What To Do If You Have An Accident

It has been an extremely sobering experience reading the recent news coverage of the new report into the failings surrounding […]

Accident Injuries

What Kind Of Accidents Are The Basis For A Successful Claim?

If you are unlucky enough to suffer injury or illness through any type of accident that occurred through no fault […]

Accident Injuries

Avoiding Common Accident Mistakes – What You Need To Know Today

Accidents occur on a regular basis whether we like it or not. The most exasperating factor however is that most […]

Accident Injuries

Why you shouldn’t suffer in silence following an accident injury

Accidents can occur at almost any time and in almost any situation. For those who are the victims of these […]

Accident Injuries

Is technology making us more accident prone?

With mobile phones and other technological gadgets gaining in popularity, it is rare that most of us leave the house […]