What kind of injuries can Injury Lawyers 4u help me claim compensation for?

The reason you need to talk to one of our solicitors rather than a claims handling company is that every injury, and every claim, is different. Whether you can claim, and how much, very much depends on the circumstances. The most basic rule though is: ‘If someone else’s negligence or carelessness caused you to suffer an injury, you can probably claim compensation.’

Lion lawyer explaining in front of window

Can I claim compensation for injuries at work?

If you are injured in an accident or as a result of someone else’s carelessness, it is logical and reasonable that you receive compensation. The law says so: and as lawyers, we are here to make sure that you get what you are entitled to.

Please see our accidents at work section.

Construction workers talking to lion lawyer

Does Injury Lawyers 4u only deal with accident cases?

As specialists in our field, all of our solicitors are experts in conducting compensation cases where accidents or negligence have caused you illness or injury. Such specialism makes it more likely that your case will have a successful compensation claim.

I’m not sure if I have a genuine compensation claim?

Don’t worry. Our initial advice is free and without obligation. So if you discuss your injury claim case with us and we feel that it isn’t in your interests to proceed, we will tell you so and you won’t owe us a penny. So if you are unsure, please contact us.

It was an accident. Should I still claim?

If you are injured in an accident or as a result of someone else’s carelessness, it is logical and reasonable that compensation claims should be made by you. The law says so: and as lawyers, we are here to make sure that you get what you are entitled to.

Please see the list to the right for the injuries we can help with.