Most people are aware that they are entitled to claim compensation if they suffer an accident or personal injury at work. But did you know that you can also claim compensation if it can be proved that your work environment has aggravated or caused skin conditions such as dermatitis?

If you suffer from the misery of dermatitis or any other recurring skin complaint, you know how irritating, distressing and upsetting it can be. Skin conditions can cause intense physical discomfort and in some cases this discomfort can be accompanied by highly visible and potentially embarrassing visual marks to the skin. In extreme cases, dermatitis and other conditions such as eczema can lead to permanent scarring and disfigurement. The result is often a significant decline in quality of life.

Lions in an elevator pondering a case

Who is to blame?

There are many different types of skin conditions, and even more causes for them developing, so it is not always easy to determine if your workplace activities and the negligence of your employers are to blame, or whether the condition is triggered by environmental or physical markers such as stress.

But if it can be legally proven that your skin condition is the direct result of the actions (or inaction) of your employer or another responsible party, then you are entitled to financial compensation for your troubles. By contacting Injury Lawyers 4u you can be sure that you’re dealing with experienced personal injury professionals who will proactively fight your corner and understand exactly what it takes to win a claim for dermatitis or another skin condition.

Common causes of skin conditions

There are a number of different types of dermatitis which have a variety of causes. Contact dermatitis is usually a result of chemical irritation to the skin and may be triggered by cleaning fluids or chemicals used in industrial processes. Another common type is allergic contact dermatitis, in which your immune system reacts to a substance to which it is exposed. Other skin conditions may be caused by exposure to dust, oils and a variety of other substances in the workplace.

Your employer is legally obliged to protect you from substances that are likely to cause skin conditions, by either changing the chemicals they use or providing adequate protective equipment such as gloves, breathing apparatus or protective clothing. If they fail to do so then you may have a valid compensation claim.

How much can you claim?

The exact amount you can claim will vary depending on the type and extent of your skin condition, whether it is temporary or permanent in nature, and the level to which it has affected your life, health and your ability to work. It is essential that your condition is assessed by a medical expert, and at Injury Lawyers 4u we can call on experienced dermatologists who can give you an accurate diagnosis of your condition.

Claiming for skin conditions through Injury Lawyers 4u

Once you contact us, we will use our considerable experience and contacts to process the claim on your behalf. We can’t guarantee that you’ll win your case, but what we can guarantee is that we’ll work hard for you to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

For a frank discussion about your claim in total confidence, contact Injury Lawyers 4u on 0333 400 4445. Alternatively, fill in the contact form to the right and we’ll contact you at a time of your convenience.