Asbestos and other work related disease claims

Despite massive advances in workplace conditions since the early 20th century, work related diseases still affect around 1.2 million people in the United Kingdom.

An employer has a legal obligation (otherwise known as a duty of care) to provide a safe and healthy workplace for their employees.  If they breach this duty of care, causing you to contact an occupational disease then your employer may be liable to pay you compensation for the damage they have caused you.

At Injury Lawyers 4u we can assist you in proving that your illness was caused because of acts and/or omissions in your workplace.

Types of work related disease

There are many different types of occupational disease, some which are unfortunately fatal for the victim.

The most well-known and common diseases contracted via the work environment include:

Asbestos-related illnesses

Conditions such as Mesothelioma, pleural plaques, pleural thickening, lung cancer and asbestosis, can be caused by exposure to asbestos. Though all types of asbestos have been banned since 1999, it can take between 40-60 years after exposure for symptoms to present themselves.

Proving causation can be difficult in asbestos cases as the claimant may have been exposed to the substance in a number of employment situations.  This is where our expertise and experience is invaluable; our lawyers have handled hundreds of these types of claims and are able to successfully navigate the legal complexities that often come with bringing these types of cases.

Lawyer reviewing case files on a desk


Asthma and other breathing conditions can also be caused by chemical exposure, by certain gases or by a dusty working environment.  Asthma involves a narrowing and constricting of the airways and can bring about life-threatening asthma attacks.

Under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002, an employer has a duty to minimise the risk of employees being exposed to substances which have been known to cause asthma.  If your employer has breached their duty under the Regulations and this has resulted in you developing asthma, then we can assist you on making a claim for compensation.

Dermatitis and other Skin Conditions

Exposure to irritants such as detergents or cleaning products can lead to dermatitis and/or other skin conditions to develop in some employees.  Even plain old water can cause dermatitis if a worker spends many hours with their hands submerged in it.

Once a claimant has proved that a hazardous substance that could cause a skin condition was present in their workplace then it is up to the defendant to show they undertook adequate risk assessment and had procedures in place to minimise unnecessary employee exposure.  This is because under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 an employer has a legislative obligation to minimise the risk of employees being exposed to hazardous substances that may cause dermatitis.

At Injury Lawyers 4u we will examine the facts of your case and, if we feel you have a chance of success, we will represent you confidently and conscientiously through the litigation process.

What can be claimed for?

You can claim for the physical and mental suffering caused by the illness, and the impact it has had upon your day to day life. If you have been unable to work because of your illness or are unable to rejoin the workforce, you will also be able to claim for loss of earnings. If you have incurred medical or rehabilitation expenses or you now require constant care, you can claim compensation to cover the cost of these too.
At Injury Lawyers 4u, we believe that if you have suffered avoidable illness as a result of work you should be compensated. We believe everyone should have access to justice, which is why we offer a ‘no win, no fee’ arrangement which allows you to claim for compensation without risking your financial security.

To take the first step towards claiming for your work-related illness, speak to our personal injury lawyers on 0333 400 4445, or use this quick form to arrange a call-back.