Type of injury common in personal injury cases
At Injury Lawyers 4u we know that any type of injury – whether it’s a relatively simple sprain or more serious and life-changing spinal problems – can have a dramatic impact on your life. No matter what type of injury you’ve sustained, we’re here to help you get the compensation you deserve.
There are a whole host of injuries that mean you are entitled to pursue a claim for compensation. However, it is the circumstance that determines whether or not your claim will be successful; most notably showing that it was caused due to another person’s actions or negligence.
Types of Personal Injury Claim
If it falls into one the below categories, you may be able to bring a claim for compensation:
Criminal: Resulting from violence and assault, if no part of the attack was your fault.
Sexual/physical abuse: Whether the responsibility for the abuse lies with an individual or an organisation, compensation is a possibility.
Injuries at work: You could be harmed in an accident such as a fall or malfunctioning equipment, or possibly your employer has not done enough to offset a dangerous working environment, leading to personal health problems.
Animal: You were hurt by someone’s pet, at a zoo, or by animals causing a road accident.
Injury while in police custody: If the police were negligent and breached their duty of care, resulting in your injury.
Medical or Clinical Negligence: If you have suffered following a breach of the duty of care afforded to you by all medical professionals. This can include injuries caused during dental procedures as well as cosmetic surgery.
Injury on Private Property: Resulting from an accident which occurred on private property, such as a slip, trip or fall in a supermarket.
Injury on Public Property: This may have resulted from a fall on the road, tripping on a pavement etc.
Types of Injury
If you or a member of your family has received any of the following injuries, or any injury, due to another person’s negligence, then you may have a viable claim:
1. Head injury and brain damage
2. Broken bones and loss of limbs
3. Back and spinal injuries
4. Loss of sight or hearing
In the event of any kind of accident, it is always a good idea to get thoroughly checked out by your GP, so you have a better understanding of the possible cause and consequences for your health and lifestyle.
What should I do?
If you think that someone else is responsible, the first step is to establish if this is indeed the case. In some circumstances this will be fairly straightforward, but in others various forms of evidence may be needed. This could be a medical report, an assessment of the safety standards at your workplace, or witness statements. Once this is decided, the amount of compensation will be worked out according to the impact it has had on your life.
The compensation system is designed to cover any medical costs, counselling, replacement childcare and loss of earnings that you have had to deal with as a result of your accident. In some cases, additional money may be awarded for emotional pain and suffering.
Get in touch
To reach someone at Injury Lawyers 4u, you can call our 24/7 hotline on 0333 400 4445. Alternatively, you can use the contact form and someone from our team will get back to you whenever it is convenient for you to discuss your case.
Don’t worry if you’re not sure whether you are entitled to compensation or if you’re uncertain what evidence will be necessary – it’s our job to find that out and we’ll make sure to ask you for all the information we need to help you. We’ll let you know how likely your case is to succeed and what amount of compensation you may be eligible for.
We are ‘no win, no fee’ solicitors, and are committed to getting you every penny that you deserve. Call us now for more details and to talk through your claim in confidence.