Understanding hearing loss and/or deafness and how to make a claim

Hearing loss is a common condition that affects the quality of life of thousands of individuals throughout the United Kingdom.  Most people will experience hearing loss with the passing of the years, and by the age of 80 it is likely that you will experience significant loss of hearing.  For this reason it is important to engage an experienced, professional injury law specialist when pursuing a claim, as it can be difficult to establish whether an individual’s deafness is simply a natural part of the aging process or whether it is noise-induced.

Signs of hearing loss

One of the first warning signs of hearing loss is tinnitus, which is a ringing or buzzing sound in your ears for intermittent periods of time. You may suffer from temporary deafness, which manifests as sounds becoming dull and indistinct after exposure to loud noise. Normal hearing generally resumes after time away from the source of noise.

Permanent hearing loss happens over time, normally with a slow deterioration of hearing ability. The initial symptoms may be minor, but often by the time they have become pronounced it is too late for repair, so it is imperative to consult a doctor if you notice any problems with hearing.

People can experience sudden hearing loss (known as acoustic trauma) caused by an isolated incident of a very loud or perhaps very close noise, for example a shot being fired.  If this happens, you need to consult medical help immediately in order to limit the permanent damage as much as possible.

If you work with loud, noisy equipment, or in environments where you are surrounded by loud music (for example a nightclub) then you are at risk of suffering from noise-induced hearing loss.

Lion lawyer explaining in front of window

Grounds for hearing loss claims

Most deafness claims involve loss of hearing connected to a loud workplace, such as a construction site or a factory. While some noise in these places is obviously unavoidable, in working environments like this, employers are required by law to ensure any noise is of a safe level in terms of repeated exposure. This could involve soundproofing buildings or rooms, investing in reduced-noise engineering solutions, or providing personal ear protection like ear plugs.

Whatever their approach, it must be adequate, and the onset of hearing loss may be a sign that the measures taken were not sufficient. If this is the case, then you are completely within your rights to make a claim for compensation, as they are legally responsible for your condition.

Why should I make a claim?

Making a claim can help your security and well-being while you come to grips with making the necessary accommodations to your life that stem from loss of hearing. Medical bills, hearing aids and loss of earnings all have a financial effect that you shouldn’t have to worry about on top of everything else, not to mention the counselling and psychological recovery that losing your hearing may entail.

Compensation is intended to cover both your practical, immediate needs and also try and lessen the overall impact on your quality of life. If you are unsure whether you would qualify for compensation or want to know the likelihood of your claim succeeding then you need to talk to a professional injury law specialist.  We offer a no win no fee arrangement, to allow victims of hearing loss to claim for compensation without risking their existing financial security as a result of legal costs.

At Injury Lawyers 4u we understand how traumatic it can be to lose your hearing, and if it is the fault of someone else we work hard to get you the compensation you deserve. Each person’s circumstances are different and once we understand more about your condition and the actions of your employers, we should be able to give you a better idea of the legitimacy of your claim.
If you would like to speak to someone for advice and information on your personal injury claim, you can call us on 0333 400 4445 at any time. Alternatively, use our contact form and we will contact you straight back in a way that suits you.

Smiling woman being supported in her law case