Injuries due to negligence can happen at any time, whether that’s at work, on the road or in a public place. People often reach out to our expert claims team at Injury Lawyers 4u when they’ve suffered an injury to their shoulder, foot, hand, thigh or toe.

We understand how painful and potentially life-changing these injuries can be, which is why we’re dedicated to helping you secure the best possible care and compensation.

Your injury might have occurred as a result of a single incident, or as a consequence of years spent working in poor conditions or without proper training and equipment. As a result, your ability to work may be affected in the long-term, which can then lead to significant stress and financial pressure on both you and your family.

If you’ve been involved in an accident that resulted in an injury to your shoulder, foot or hand then we can help validate your claim and point you in the right direction to get the support you need.

What are the common scenarios in which people claim for shoulder, foot, toe, thigh and hand injuries?

There are a range of scenarios at work and in day-to-day life where somebody might sustain an injury to their shoulder, foot or hand, such as:

  • Slips, trips and falls
  • Road traffic accidents between driver and pedestrian
  • Strains sustained moving heavy objects at work
  • Being struck by falling objects
  • Poorly maintained equipment

Remember that being able to demonstrate evidence of what exactly happened during the incident is usually crucial to the success of an injury claim. Work with your solicitor to gather any photographs, CCTV video, witness details and medical treatment records as they can all go a long way when seeking maximum compensation.

How much compensation will I get for my injury?

Whether it’s a shoulder injury claim, a foot, thigh or toe injury claim, or a hand injury claim, the amount of compensation you may receive will depend on the severity of the injury, the circumstances in which it was sustained and whether or not it could have been prevented by the owner of the establishment. Costs and expenses involved in medical care must also be taken into account to get a complete picture of the scale of impact.

Please note in most cases you must submit an injury claim within three years of the incident in order to stand the best chance of a successful outcome.

Lion lawyer explaining in front of window

Next steps

Get in touch with one of our friendly claims specialists below to arrange a free consultation to talk through your situation. We operate a no win, no fee policy, which means you have nothing to lose by reaching out to confirm your claim. We’ve been there many times before so we know exactly how to support people in the same position as yourself.

You can reach us directly on 0333 400 4445 or, if you’d prefer, please feel free to fill in the contact form to arrange a call back at a time that suits you.

Smiling woman being supported in her law case